25 Jan 2009

Islamic Cross Stitch Pattern at Al-Khath Site


Yesterday, on my Bahasa Indonesia Blog I had a special visitor who left his trace on the shoutbox. I didn't know who he was, but when I visited his site, I was impressed. He was a calligrapher (or designer who work on calligraphy) and he offered various style of calligraphy on his site, which was aimed to provide patterns for braided works (such as rug) and... cross stitch!

Below are some examples of his pattern:

bismillah diwaniyatbasmallah diwaniyah

bismillah muraba'atbasmallah murabaat

bismillah tsulusiyatbasmallah tsulusiyat

bismillah kufiyahbasmallah kufiyah

bismillah farisiyatbasmallah farisiyah

bismillah nashiyatbasmallah nashiyah

Further information and more examples are on www.al-khath.co.cc (Click the "Daftar isi" link, for the blog-link refers to his blog--that has no pattern). If you want to order special design, please contact the designer at afifuddinsaid@gmail.com. The price and service are his, I dont take any commission or whatsoever. However, I hope you find my posting here as useful and informative. Insya Allah this will bring us manfaat.


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