8 Mar 2009

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Maulid Nabi Muhammad PBUH, Mawlid greeting to all of my brothers and sisters 
I pray this Mawlid will remind all of us about our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his humble life, his great exemplary life, his sacrifices, his last love for ummah ... I pray all of that will remind us about muslim unity, about making this world as a better place for everyone not just muslim because Prophet Muhammad PBUH was sent to the universe, not only one race, one place.

I pray this Mawlid will remind all of us about tolerance he brought, about peace, about love...

On this Mawlid, I wish you all a good, tranquil life with prosperity and deeper emaan

3 komentar:

  1. yeh walaupun Rasululloh ngga memerintahkan untuk merayakan kelahiran beliau.. tapi untuk syiar islam oke lah

  2. Mari kita mencontoh dan membuat beliau menjadi suri tauladan bagi kita

  3. @ jalu: iya... semoga kita bisa melakukan syiar semampunya
    @ abang: amiin, semoga kita bisa mencontoh Beliau dalam setiap tindakan kita


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